Active-Ingredient Preparations
Active-Ingredient Preparations
Mit den bewährten Wirkstoffpräparaten von KKS erhalten Sie eine breite Palette von Qualitätsprodukten, die für optimale Verarbeitbarkeit, Produktionssicherheit und Wirtschaftlichkeit stehen.
Die einfache und zugleich hoch wirkungsvolle Anwendung sorgt für beste Frische, Konsistenz und Optik Ihrer Wurst- und Fleischwaren, deren natürliche Eigenschaften dabei bestmöglich nutzbar gemacht werden.
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Premium Selection
The highly effective preparations ensure that the natural characteristics of your products are put to the best outcome possible. The active ingredient premium selection is the result of decades of research, experience and constant elaboration and stands for optimum workability, production safety and cost- effectiveness. The selection comprises a variety of highly functional preparations for the pre-treatment and preservation of meat as well as for the production and colour development of raw cured and cooked cured meat products such as sausage and ham.
7 g per kg sausage mass
ART. NR. 4010
Preparation with starters for the maturation, colour stabilisation, flavouring and preservation of raw sausage. Propidin was the first raw sausage curing agent using starters and became a classic in the industry long ago
5 g per kg mass
ART. NR. 3405
Cutting and binding agent with functional additives, which will come into action during processing. Cooking losses will be reduced. Causes a very good colour development and colour stabilisation
25-35 g per kg mass
ART. NR. 40346
Functional compound for rotary spit kebab production. Most suitable for minced meat based on kebab (kiyma style) or köfte
25-30 g per kg mass
ART.NR. 40500
Functional compound for rotary spit kebab production. Most suitable for sliced meat based on kebab
(yaprak style)
3-5 g per kg meat and fat
ART. NR. 3100
Highly functional phosphate binder and cutting agent for all kinds of cooked sausage and cooked meat products
35 g per litre brine
ART. NR. 15539
Brine supplement and binding agent to highly improve juiciness of meat and product yield for cooked ham and other products
70 g per litre brine
ART. NR. 15556
Injection agent and liquid seasoning for poultry products. Improves flavour and product yield
10-15 g per kg meat
ART. NR. 6250
Functional additive to improve tenderness and juiciness of meat
3-5 g per kg mass
ART. NR. 3045
Preserving agent for all kinds of cooked sausage, which stabilizes the pH-value for a long time.
Superfrisch R is unflavoured, contains a reddening agent and can also be used for the pre-treatment of cutter meat
3-5 g per kg mass
ART. NR. 3054
Preserving agent for all kinds of cooked sausage, which stabilizes the pH-value for a long time.
Superfrisch W is unflavoured and can be used for the pre-treatment of meat. Without reddening agent
20-30 g per kg mass
ART. NR. 6092
Highly effective binding system for the restructuring of meat pieces
0.5-2 g per kg sausage mass
ART. NR. 6235
Food colour „cochineal“
Cooked Cured Products
The cooked ham should be the butcher`s masterpiece. KKS-preparations and modern technology as well will reduce the risk in production immensely. Together with KKS-preparations each specialist will obtain ham of top quality: tender, juicy, soft and of best taste and consistency
40-50 g per kg brine
ART.NR. 5500
Special combination without phosphate for all cooked cured products. Improves and stabilizes the curing colour, intensifies the meat flavour. The addition of a brine phosphate is recommended
100 g per kg brine
ART.NR. 5510
Special preparation for the production of first class cooked cured products like ham, cured middle and similar products. Kolatisol contains no phosphate. The addition of a brine phosphate is recommended
40-60 g per kg brine
ART.NR. 5515
Preparation WITHOUT allergens for the production of cooked hams and other cooked cured products. Kolatisol-KS contains no phosphate. The addition of a brine phosphate is recommended
80-100 g per kg brine
ART.NR. 5520
Special preparation for the production of first class cooked cured products like ham, cured middle and similar products. Kolatisol-SZ contains no phosphate. The addition of a brine phosphate is recommended
without reddening
80-100 g per kg brine
ART.NR. 5525
Injection agent especially for beef-, pork- and veal roasts, cutlets, steaks and knuckles to be grilled. Without phosphate and reddening effect. The addition of a brine phosphate is recommended
50-60 g per kg brine
ART.NR. 5530
Liquid injection agent especially for beef-, pork- and veal roasts, cutlets, steaks and knuckles to be grilled. Without phosphate and reddening effect. The addition of a brine phosphate is recommended.
80-100 g per kg brine
ART.NR. 5535
Special preparation containing phosphate for the production of all kinds of cooked cured products. Reduces cooking losses
40-60 g per kg brine
ART.NR. 5540
Liquid preparation for all kinds of cooked cured products. Improves and stabilizes the curing colour, intensifies the meat flavour and extends shelf life. Cooking losses will be reduced
50-60 g per kg brine
ART.NR. 5541
Special preparation containing phosphate for the production of all kinds of cooked cured products. Improves and stabilizes the curing colour, intensifies the meat flavour and extends shelf life. Cooking losses will be reduced
15 g per kg brine
ART.NR. 5544
Different pH-values in meat pieces for the production of cooked cured products will be levelled out
20 g per kg meat
ART.NR. 5546
Preparation with phosphate, reddening effect and flavour enhancer for the treatment of centre meat
75 g per kg brine
ART.NR. 5547
Injection agent with small phosphate content, with pH-levelling and preserving effect. Makes the final product more compact, sliceable but at the same time juicy and tender. Causes a fine and stable curing colour and reduces weight losses
75 g per kg prine
ART.NR. 5560
Premium preparation with phosphate and without glutamate for the injection of ham. The phosphate content is still enough to obtain first class products: compact, sliceable and on the other hand juicy and tender. Kolatisol Premium causes an even curing colour and intensifies the meat flavour. WITHOUT allergens
0-15 g per kg brine
3-5 g je kg meat core temperature 71-72 °C
ART.NR. 6230
Carragheen-containing brine supplement. For all kinds of cooked cured products with higher yields. Minimizes the dripping of the products in convenience packaging
40 g per kg brine
ART.NR. 15010
Special injection agent with phosphate for the production of cooked cured products with higher yields. Effects a very good swelling of the meat proteins and renders the best possible sliceability
40 g per kg brine
ART.NR. 15011
Phosphate containing injection agent for cooked cured products with higher yields. Effects a very good swelling of the meat proteins and renders the best possible sliceability
50-60 g per kg brine
ART.NR. 15013
Special injection agent with phosphate for hams. The final products will be compact, sliceable, juicy and tender. Causes a good and even curing colour. Reduces weight losses. Without glutamate and allergens
65 g per kg brine
Kerntemperatur bei 71-72 °C
ART.NR. 15020
All-in-one injection agent with high- functional ingredients for the production of cooked cured products with high yields. Contains phosphate and carragheen
75 g per kg brine
ART.NR. 15025
Special injection agent with phosphate and pH-value regulator. Produces compact, sliceable, juicy and tender products. Causes a good and even curing colour and reduces weight losses
85 g per kg brine
ART.NR. 15035
Injection agent with phosphate for cooked cured products. With pH-value regulator and preserving agents. Produces compact, sliceable, juicy and tender products. Causes a good and even curing colour and reduces weight losses
20-40 g per kg brine
ART.NR. 15500
Liquid combination with a small phosphate content for all cooked cured products
60 g per kg brine
ART.NR. 15510
Special phosphate containing injection agent for cooked cured products with high yields. Causes a very good swelling of the meat proteins and grants the best possible sliceability
80 g per kg brine
ART.NR. 15515
Injection agent with a very small content of phosphate, especially for the production of “Kasseler”. The products injected with Kolatisol-SN are mild, tender and of best consistency
80-100 g per kg brine
ART.NR. 15520
Injection agent with a small content of phosphate for all cooked cured products. Improves and stabilizes the curing colour and intensifies the meat flavour
40 g per kg brine
ART.NR. 15530
Injection agent with phosphate for all cooked cured products
50 g per kg brine
ART.NR. 15533
Special preparation with phosphate content sufficient enough to produce compact, sliceable, juicy and tender products. Causes a good and even curing colour
35-60 g per kg brine
Kerntemperatur bei 71-72 °C
ART.NR. 15547
All-in-one injection agent with high- functional ingredients for the production of cooked cured products with high yields. Contains phosphate and carragheen
100 g per kg brine
ART.NR. 40033
Injection agent without phosphate for all cooked cured products. Improves and stabilizes the curing colour, intensifies the meat flavour. The addition of a brine phosphate is recommended
100-120 g per kg brine
ART.NR. 40044
Injection agent with a small phosphate content for all cooked cured products. Improves and stabilizes the curing colour. Intensifies the meat flavour
50-60 g per kg brine
ART.NR. 40150
Special preparation for the production of cooked ham. Produces compact, sliceable, juicy and tender products. Causes a good and even curing colour. Reduces weight losses
Raw Cured Products
Specialists producing raw cured products know the manifold problems. KKS raw cured products take care of a fast curing and make the meat tender and aromatic. Raw hams cured with KKS products will give your products a stable colour and keep a long- term freshness.
100-150 g per kg nitrite curing salt
30 g per kg brine
7 g per kg meat
ART.NR. 5010
Combination of additives with fine spicing for all raw cured products. For pickle- and shelf curing
40 g per kg salt / salpeter
30 g per kg brine
5 g per kg meat
ART.NR. 5020
Combination of additives with fine spicing and salpeter (5.5 %) for all raw cured products. For pickle- and shelf curing
80 g per nitrite curing salt
30 g per kg brine
5-7 g per kg meat
ART.NR. 5030
Combination of additives with fine spicing for all raw cured products. For pickle- and shelf curing
40 g per kg salt / salpeter
30 g per kg brine
5 g per kg meat
ART.NR. 5040
Combination of additives with fine spicing and salpeter (8 %) for all raw cured products. For pickle- and shelf curing
80 g per kg nitrite curing salt
30 g per kg brine
5-7 g per kg meat
ART.NR. 5050
Combination of additives with fine spicing for raw cured products. For pickle- and shelf curing. Can also be used for the injection of raw cured products
100 g per kg nitrite curing salt
30 g per kg brine
7-10 g per kg meat
ART.NR. 5060
Combination of additives with coarse spicing for raw cured products. For pickle- and shelf curing
200 g per kg nitrite curing salt
30 g per kg brine
10 g per kg meat
ART.NR. 5065
Combination of additives with spicing and minerals for raw cured products. For pickle- and shelf curing
Brine Phosphate
The cooked ham should be the butcher`s masterpiece. KKS-preparations and modern technology as well can reduce the risk in production immensely. Together with KKS-preparations every specialist will obtain hams of top quality: tender, juicy, soft and of best taste and consistency
without reddening
12-15 g per kg meat and fat
10-15 g per kg brine
ART.NR. 13100
Special brine phosphate for the production of cooked cured products
5-7 g per kg meat and fat
10-30 g per kg brine
ART.NR. 3110
Liquid brine phosphate for the production of cooked cured products
3-5 g per kg mass
10-30 g per kg brine
ART.NR. 3429
Phosphate cuttering agent without reddening effect. Can be also used as a brine supplement for the production of cooked cured products
Phosphate Binder and Stabilizer
The quality of a cooked sausage is measured by the consumption of it: Colour, taste and juiciness have to be perfect. With KKS-preparations you will obtain the best possible emulsifying effects and solid binding in stuffing, within the range of ideal pH-values. KKS cuttering agents reduce cooking and smoking losses, grant for a quick and complete reddening effect and a perfect colouring and preservation. Meat- and spicing flavours will be activated.
3-5 g per kg meat and fat
ART.NR. 3100
Phosphate binder for all kinds of cooked sausage
4-5 g per kg meat and fat
ART.NR. 3103
Phosphate binder for all kinds of cooked sausage. With reddening
PRODUKT 2000 Liquid
4-5 g per kg meat and fat
ART.NR. 3105
Liquid phosphate binder for all kinds of cooked sausage
3 g per kg mass
ART.NR. 3424
Binder with a strong reddening effect for all kinds of cooked sausage
5 g per kg mass
ART.NR. 3404
Binder with functional additives, which will come into action during processing. Cooking losses will be reduced. Causes a very good colour development and colour stabilisation
5 g je per meat and fat
ART.NR. 3410
Liquid phosphate binder with additives for fast reddening, colour stabilisation, preservation and flavour enhancing. For all kinds of cooked sausage
5 g per kg meat and fat
ART.NR. 3415
Phosphate binder with additives for fast reddening, colour stabilisation, preservation and flavour enhancing. For all kinds of cooked sausage
5-7 g per kg meat and fat
ART.NR. 3420
Liquid phosphate binder with additives for fast reddening, colour stabilisation, preservation and flavour enhancing. For all kinds of cooked sausage
POLASOL/P flüssig
without reddening
4-5 g per kg meat and fat
ART.NR. 3430
Phosphate binder with flavour enhancer and preservation for the stuffing of cooked sausage
without reddening
4-5 g per kg meat and fat
ART.NR. 3432
Phosphate binder for the colour stabilisation, preservation and flavour enhancing of all kinds of cooked sausages
5 g per kg meat and fat
ART.NR. 3440
Phosphate binder with additives for fast reddening and preservation, specially for small sausages in express cooking devices
5 g per kg meat and fat
ART.NR. 3450
Liquid phosphate binder with additives for fast reddening and preservation, specially for small sausages in express cooking devices
without reddening
4-5 g per kg meat and fat
ART.NR. 3460
Phosphate binder with emulsifier for all kinds of cooked sausage. Reduces cooking losses
5-6 g per kg meat and fat
ART.NR. 3470
Phosphate binder with emulsifier and intensive reddening effects by means of encapsulated additives. For all kinds of cooked sausage
5-6 g per kg meat and fat
ART.NR. 3475
Phosphate binder with reddening effect. For all kinds of cooked sausage
5 g per kg meat and fat
ART.NR. 3550
Binder-combination with little phosphate. With preservation and colouring agents
5 g per kg meat and fat
ART.NR. 3560
Binder-combination with little phosphate. With preservation
Citrate Binder and Stabilizer
The quality of a cooked sausage is measured by the consumption of it: Colour, taste and juiciness have to be perfect. With KKS-preparations you will obtain the best possible emulsifying effects and solid binding in stuffing, within the range of ideal pH-values. KKS cuttering agents reduce cooking and smoking losses, grant for a quick and complete reddening effect and a perfect colouring and preservation. Meat- and spicing flavours will be activated
3 g per kg meat and fat
ART.NR. 3010
Citrate binder for all kinds of cooked sausage
5 g per kg meat and fat
ART.NR. 3300
Liquid binder agent with special additives for a quick reddening, colour stabilisation, preservation and flavour enhancing for all kinds of cooked sausage
5 g per kg meat and fat
ART.NR. 3301
Liquid binder agent with special additives for a quick reddening, colour stabilisation, preservation and flavour enhancing for all kinds of cooked sausage
without reddening
4-5 g per kg meat and fat
ART.NR. 3310
Citrate binder with flavour enhancer and preserving effect for all cooked sausage produced with salt
4-5 g per kg meat and fat
ART.NR. 3340
Citrate binder with emulsifier for all kinds of cooked sausage. Reduces cooking losses
5 g per kg meat and fat
ART.NR. 3360
Product with browning effect. Citrate, emulsifier and preserving agent, specially for fine, boiled fryers
4-5 g per kg meat and fat
ART.NR. 13460
Citrate binder with emulsifier and a small portion of phosphate for all kinds of cooked sausage
5-6 g per kg meat and fat
ART.NR. 13470
Citrate binder with emulsifier, intensive reddening effect and a small portion of phosphate for all kinds of cooked sausage
The quality of a cooked sausage is measured by the consumption of it: Colour, taste and juiciness have to be perfect. With KKS-preparations you will obtain the best possible emulsifying effects and solid binding in stuffing, within the range of ideal pH-values. KKS cuttering agents reduce cooking and smoking losses, grant for a quick and complete reddening effect and a perfect colouring and preservation. Meat- and spicing flavours will be activated.
3-5 g per kg meat and fat 20 g per liter brine
10 g per liter water
ART.NR. 3030
Preserving agent with reddening effect for all kinds of cooked sausage. Very well suited for the pre-treatment and preservation of cutter meat. Can also be used as a brine supplement, for canned sausages, for the production of jellies and the treatment of casings
5-7 g per kg meat and fat 20-25 g per liter brine
10-15 g per Liter water
ART.NR. 3040
Preserving agent with reddening effect for all kinds of cooked sausage. Very well suited for the pre-treatment and preservation of cutter meat. Can also be used as a brine supplement, for canned sausages, for the production of jellies and the treatment of casings
3-5 g per kg mass
ART.NR. 3035
Preserving agent for all kinds of cooked sausage, which stabilizes the pH-value of the meat for a long time. Superfrisch W is tasteless and can be used for the pre-curing of meat (without reddening effect)
3-5 g per kg mass
ART.NR. 3045
Preservering agent for all kinds of cooked sausage, which stabilizes the pH-value for a long time. Superfrisch R is tasteless and contains a reddening effect and can also be used for the pre-treatment of cutter meat
2 g per kg mass (raw- and cooked sausages)
4 g per kg spiced brine
10 g for raw rinds
ART.NR. 3051
Preserving agent for raw- and cooked sausages (cooked ham). Suppresses bacteria growth. Superfrisch RBK improves the redening, stabilizes the colour and enhances the flavour. For the production of liver sausage Superfrisch RBK can be used as emulsifier
1 g per kg Masse (cooked sausages)
2 g per kg meat and fat (cooked- and raw sausages)
4 g per kg brine
ART.NR. 6160
Liquid preparation for the preservation, colour stabilisation and flavour rounding of sausage and meat products. Extends the shelf life and stabilizes the pH-value
The quality of a cooked sausage is measured by the consumption of it: Colour, taste and juiciness have to be perfect. With KKS-preparations you will obtain the best possible emulsifying effects and solid binding in stuffing, within the range of ideal pH-values. KKS cuttering agents reduce cooking and smoking losses, grant for a quick and complete reddening effect and a perfect colouring and preservation. Meat- and spicing flavours will be activated
15 g per kg mass
ART.NR. 3525
Binder for the production of Döner
5 g per kg sausage mass
ART.NR. 6010
Special emulsifier for fine and coarse liver sausage and pastry as well. Avoids the separation of jelly and fat by far. Makes liver sausage more digestive and reduces cooking losses
5-6 g per kg sausage mass
ART.NR. 6020
Emulsifier for cooked sausage like liver sausage, liver pastry and spreadable raw sausage
5 g per kg sausage mass
ART.NR. 6030
Emulsifier for all kind of cooked sausage. Homogenises meat and fat. Avoids the separation of jelly and fat by far. Reduces cooking losses
5 g per kg meat and fat
ART.NR. 6031
Emulsifier for cooked sausage and fryers
3-5 g per kg mass
1:15:15 in fat emulsions
ART.NR. 6080
Special preparation for the production of fat emulsions. Reduces dripping losses with cooked sausage in convenience packaging
2-5 g per kg sausage mass
ART.NR. 6240
Special preparation to improve the spreadability of minced sausage. Reduces and stabilizes cooking losses concerning stuffing for cooked sausage
Colour Development
KKS additives for the colour development of meat products are well elaborated preparations to keep the colour of cooked sausage, raw sausage and canned food for a long time stable and in good shape. They also contribute to modern processing
1 g per kg meat and fat
ART.NR. 3500
Additive for the fast reddening and preservation of small sausages and Bologna in express cooking devices
1 g per kg sausage mass
ART.NR. 3510
Additive for intensive reddening and colour stabilisation of cooked sausage, raw sausage and canned food
RX 22
2 g per kg meat and fat
ART.NR. 3520
Additive for the reddening of cooked sausage, raw sausage and canned food
5 g per litre brine
1 g per kg meat
ART.NO. 3521
Additive for an improved reddening of cooked sausage and cured products. Stabilizes the colour of cooked sausage
Additives for Raw Sausage
KKS preparations for raw sausage together with apt processing means will minimize the risks in the production of raw sausage. KKS preparations are a result of decades of experience and constant elaboration. They contribute in making the production of raw sausage safe and will ensure product quality
5 g per kg raw sausage mass
ART.NO. 4005
Preparation with starters for the maturation, colour stabilisation, flavouring and preservation of raw sausage
7 g per kg sausage mass
ART.NO. 4010
Preparation with starters for the maturation, colour stabilisation, flavouring and preservation of raw sausage
7 g per kg sausage mass
ART.NO. 4020
Preparation with starters and salpeter (4%) for the maturation, colour stabilisation, flavouring and preservation of raw sausage
without spicing
7 g per kg sausage mass
ART.NO. 4110
Preparation for the maturation, colour stabilisation, flavouring and preservation of raw sausage
without spicing
10 g per kg sausage mass
ART.NO. 4130
Preparation like SAL METT, but with emulsifier, which delays the drying and thus reduces drying losses
without spicing
27 g per kg sausage mass
ART.NO. 4210
Special preparation on a gdl-basis (gdl-reduced) for the fast maturation, reddening and flavouring of sliceable raw sausage. By means of special sugar combinations the raw sausage gains a tender, well balanced taste
without spicing
10 g per kg sausage mass
ART.NO. 4230
Preparation on a gdl-basis for the fast maturation, reddening and flavouring of sliceable raw sausage
Special Preparations
KKS special preparations are different creations to make all kinds of sausage, cooked cured products, raw cured products and meat products unique. They support everyday process and make life easier when producing sausage and all kinds of meat products
10 g per kg blood
ART.NR. 6100
Preparation to avoid the coagulation of beef- and pork blood
5 g per kg sausage mass
ART.NR. 6110
Liquid preparation for the intensive reddening of blood pudding. Easy to process – ideal force
20 g per litre water (tongues)
30 g per litre water (rind)
3 g per litre water (cooked sausage) 100 g per litre water (curing device) 100 g per kg brine (3%) for the dipping of small sausages
ART.NO. 6120
Preparation to water rinds, to separate mucous membranes of beef- and pork tongues and to refine cooked meat. Avoids bacteria growth and is thus suitable to rinse curing devices too. Can also be used for the dipping of small sausages in natural casings. Causes a long-term freshness
30 g per litre water (tongues)
40 g per litre water (rind)
5 g per litre water (cooked sausage) 150 g per litre water (curing device) 120 g per kg brine (3%) for the dipping of small sausages
ART.NO. 6125
Preparation to water rinds, to separate mucous membranes of beef- and pork tongues and to refine cooked meat. Reduces cooking losses. Avoids bacteria growth and is thus suitable to rinse curing devices too. Can also be used for the dipping of small sausages in natural casings. Causes a long-term freshness
5-7 g per kg content
ART.NR. 6130
Preparation to avoid blowers of canned sausage, meat and soups. Acts against bacterial degradation within the cans and therefore gives more production safety
GL 15
5 g per kg liver
ART.NR. 6140
Preparation against the bitter taste of fresh or frozen liver. Eliminates the typical freezing flavour and gives the sausage a better taste
RX 3
Up to 10 g per kg meat and fat (cooked sausage)
Up to 20 g per kg meat and fat (raw sausage)
Up to 50 g per litre brine
(cooked cured products)
ART.NO. 6150
Combination of sugars (lactose) for cooked sausage, raw sausage and cured products. Optimizes taste, consistency, colour, juiciness and swelling of meat products
RX 4
10 g per kg mass
ART.NR. 6155
Combination of sugars (without lactose) for cured products and cooked sausage
RX 5
4-10 g per kg mass
10-20 g per kg brine
ART.NO. 6159
Combination of sugars (dextrose) for cured products and cooked sausage
1 litre on 2 litre of water
ART.NO. 6170
Preparation for the surface treatment of raw sausage and raw ham. Avoids by far the growth of mould without affecting taste and colour of the meat products
1 litre on 2 litre of water
ART.NO. 6175
Special preparation for the surface treatment of meat products. Delays the growth of bacteria and mould without affecting the taste and colour of the meat products (fryers packed in vacuum)
1 litre on 10 litre of water
ART.NO. 6180
Preparation for the treatment of natural and artificial casings. Makes the casings more porous and keeps them dry
150 g per litre liquid
ART.NR. 6191
For the production of sliceable jellies and meat products in jelly. Can also be used for decoration, gelation and icing purposes
150-170 g per litre liquid
ART.NR. 6192
For the production of sliceable jellies and meat products in jelly
200 g per litre water
ART.NR. 6200
For the production of sliceable jellies and meat products in jelly. Can also be used for decoration, gelation and icing purposes
5 g per kg mass and flour
ART.NR. 6220
Phosphate preparation for hotel kitchens and at home. Makes potato dumplings, pancakes, pastries and scrambled eggs much more fluffy. Improves taste and preservation
10-25 g according to usage
ART.NR. 6250
Functional additives to improve tenderness and juiciness of meat pieces
Mix 250 g of water, 80 °C with 100 g stabilizer and 300-600 g Ketchup or mustard and let cool down
ART.NO. 6256
Stabilizer for sliceable, cold sauces which will be used as centre meat in cooked sausage products
10-15 g per kg sausage mass
ART.NR. 7517
Preparation to improve the spreadability of raw sausage
ART.NR. 6210
Food colour
0,5-2 g per kg sausage mass
ART.NR. 6233
Intensive food colour „cochineal“, specially for raw- and cooked sausage
0,5-2 g per kg sausage mass
ART.NR. 6235
Food colour „cochineal“
Marnheimer Str. 81–83
D–67292 Kirchheimbolanden
Telefon: + 49 (0) 6352 – 40199-90
Telefax: + 49 (0) 6352 – 40199-23